ESG Gaming has held it first AGM as a newly incorporated Community Interest Company. The AGM gave the opportunity for the Non-Executive Directors to scrutinise our activities and impact as noted in the Statutory CIC34 Report and reflect on our first year. At the AGM, we were also joined by our accountants from Crowe UK LLP who are ranked in the top 10 largest accounting networks in the world. Crowe Global has over 200 independent accounting and advisory firms in more than 145 countries.
To view our statutory accounts and CIC34 Report please visit:
Reflecting on the AGM, Lee Willows said ‘have fortunately had a solid year-one, where the focus has been on income in order to finish our first financial year (to 31 July 2022) in a positive cash position, which will hopefully position ourselves for an impactful year-two (commencing 01 August 2022). As you’ll see from our statutory accounts, we banked £95,964 of RET income and secured £18,437 of evidenced pro-bono support in year one. So total income as per accounts is £114,401, against an expenditure of £54,205. Other than some minor accounting accruals (such as year-end accountancy fees) we do not have any debt or liabilities at ESG Gaming and we have enjoyed hugely the challenge of ‘creating something from a standing start’ – without the use of debt finance or loans. My own salary as Founder over the past year has been £900 only. Having a solid balance sheet at year-end from which to develop ESG Gaming going forward was critically important. Our directors report within the statutory accounts looks at the products we have landed on, our achievements between February – July 2022 and we have set out what we intend to do this financial year – to July 2023.’