ESG Gaming and our partners have been awarded a regulatory settlement from the Gambling Commission to undertake a twelve-month collaborative research project. The project will focus on undertaking and publishing research on influencer-led gambling in gaming on streaming channels (such as Twitch, YouTube, Meta). This research aims to explore (i) the behavioural (e.g., gambling activity) and (ii) environmental/technological (e.g., group and platform) characteristics of influencer-led gambling in gaming through academic and lived-experience research. This research would be extending the emerging literature on the role of gambling-type behaviours in gaming and streaming. This project would add relevance, insight and co-creation by complimenting the work of the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) and being a project which is supervised and student-led, with results being launched at an Academic Symposium in Q4 2024.
We will provide quarterly updates on our website with regard to the progress of this project and insights.