by ESG Gaming

THE DOME by ESG Gaming is an award winning virtual world powered by the Metaverse platform, VIVERSE for Business. Consumers will experience an immersive and nostalgic dome which will host three specific rooms (i) a Health & fitness room where we will host fitness classes and have interactive educational material on diet, physical and mental health, and fitness; (ii) a Mindfulness Space where meditation, mindfulness and relaxation classes will take place and an opportunity to visit some amazing countries both virtually and finally (iii) our Auditorium where we will host a variety of special interest events including stand-up comedy, motivational speakers and lifestyle classes.  Content for THE DOME by ESG Gaming will be consistently evolved based on consumer feedback, stakeholder insight, our own learning and external evaluation.

Want to help?

There are two specific ways to get involved with the initial pilot phase. Firstly as a consumer, if you would like our team to come and deliver an evaluated experiential workshop to your members, please do email us and we can arrange. Secondly, we are seeking content sponsors which provides an opportunity for extend our experiential workshops. Please do email and we can send you a copy of our sponsorship packages which start from £5k.