ESG Gaming becomes registered with UKRLP

ESG Gaming is proudly registered with the UK Register of Learning Providers, meaning that we are officially recognised by the UK government.

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ESG Gaming to hold first AGM

ESG Gaming has held it first AGM as a newly incorporated Community Interest Company. The AGM gave the opportunity for the Non-Executive Directors to scrutinise our activities and impact as noted in the Statutory CIC34 Report and reflect on our first year.

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ESG Gaming Publish 2023 Enabling Plan and Year One Annual Review

ESG Gaming has published its 2023 Enabling Plan and our Year One Annual Review. Download your copies and read more here.

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How you can help?

Our Vision is underpinned by our Values which are about being Gracious, Authentic, Humble and Determined.  Like many of you we are committed to continue to work collaboratively in this space, something many of us have done now for several years.

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Support ESG

Diversify your LCCP RET contributions to include ESG Gaming. Support with trade show and event merchandise. Employee-led volunteering opportunities.

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We're hiring!

ESG Gaming is a trading name of ESG Corporate Community Interest Company, which is a not-for profit, registered and regulated Community Interest Company (CIC). We are right at the very start of our journey as a start-up, and we are seeking up to six talented non-executive directors to join us

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Accredited Living Wage and 4 Day Week Employer

ESG Gaming has today been accepted as an accredited Living Wage Employer by the Living Wage Foundation.

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ESG Gaming:

ESG Gaming is to be included on the LCCP RET list for annual contributions as required by LCCP SR code 3.1.1. This follows the application we made in November 2021 to undertake work to contribute to the national strategy to reduce gambling harms.

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ESG Corporate Community Interest Company Joins Social Enterprise UK

ESG Corporate Community Interest Company has been accepted for membership of Social Enterprise UK; the UK body for social enterprise - business with a social or environmental mission.

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ESG Corporate Accepted on the CIC Register

On the 05 November 2021, our application to change the legal structure of ESG Corporate Ltd to a Community Interest Company (CIC) was accepted by the CIC regulator. We have also changed our legal name to ESG Corporate Community Interest Company.

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ESG Gaming will continue my journey of learning

Lee Willows’ decision to step down as CEO of YGAM, the charity that he founded, took some of the gambling industry by surprise. In his first interview since stepping back he reflects on the journey he ended with YGAM and the one he is embarking with ESG Gaming.

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My First 100 days

I feel a bit of deja-vu writing this blog to reflect on my first 100-days since founding ESG Gaming. Ok, it has been slightly longer than 100 days since we incorporated ESG Gaming, but I was fortunate to take some time out over the Christmas and New Year period to go travelling and to reflect a little.

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